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This is our links page and it's the place to find links to different website that we have reviewed and think are useful. We feel we are not the only source for good information so we thought we put this page together for you to view. There are four sections for you to view from and we are always looking for links to add. So if you have a site you can go to our submit site page. Our Site of the Month Is Acid info at

  1. Discovery Health-Great Information on GERD and procedures!
  2. Acid about GERD, test, and much more here!
  3. Nissen Fundoplication-Info on the popular suregery no one wants!
  4. Bedz Up-Buy this simple product and sleep better at night!
  5. Videoscopic Heartburn Center-Learn all about the semi new videoscopic heartburn center!
  6. Stretta Procedure-A new procedure all GERD Patients should check out!
  7. The GERD Word-A personal site with a story of there own!
  8. Reflux SymptomsA list of Symptoms to look for in GERD!
  9. Reflux Problems-Problems that may develop with GERD!
  10. Reflux Treatment-Treatment options for those with GERD!
  11. Propulsid Letter-A letter from the FDA on how propulsid is off of shelves!
  12. Mayo Health-The site well known as the Mayo Clinic!
  13. Heartburn-Help-A nice site someone put together on GERD!
  14. GERD-The name says it all about this site!
  15. GI Disease Index-Index of the different intestinal diseases!
  16. American College of Gastroenterology-Great site to get info on GERD from top to bottom!
  17. GI Care-No description available!
  18. Nissen Fundoplication (MIMIS)-Another site all about the Nissen Fundoplication!
  19. Thrive Online-Learn step by step about the laprascopic surgery!
  20. Diagnostic Tests-An overview of test you may have to have to diagnose your GERD!
  21. Dr. Koop-A site about GERD!
  22. Prilosec-One of many medicine used to treat GERD has a website...Prilosec!
  23. Heartburn Hero-A doctor that talks about GERD!
  24. About GERD-The title of the site says it all!
  25. Prevacid-Site on a medication used to treat GERD!
  26. Drug Information-Information on treatment for GERD!
  27. GERDVoice - Take the GERD Patient Survey-Captures the Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease patient's experiences and preferences. Learn from fellow sufferers and share your thoughts with health care leaders. Be heard and take the survey today
  28. Heartburn/GERD: PharmInfo Drug Information Center-Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease drug information, health and medical resources, case studies, discussion threads, treatment and frequently asked questions.
  29. Non-Surgical Treatment For GERD-Endoscopic Suturing is a new non-invasive medical procedure for the treatment of Gasto Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).
We are always looking for links so once again if you have a link of your own site or a site on the web please go to our submit site page.When your done don't forget to look and continue your adventure at GERD Online. Click on any of the links to the left or below and continue on! If your done with this section click on one of the links at the top of this page!

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