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Nissen Fundoplication
Okay so now you have tried every medication and none are working for you right? Well then its time to consider surgery. Not only people that do not respond to medicine should have this surgery. Actually people that may require a life long treatment for their GERD should consider this surgery. Below GERD Online has explained to you how this procedure is done. Anyone needing or considering surgery should read on and learn more!This procedure allows the examination of the abdominal organs. Surgery is done with a laprascope.
Surgical risk increase if:
  1. You are overweight
  2. You smoke
  3. Have heart or lung disease
  4. You have had previous abdominal surgery
So if you plan on having this procedure done here is what you should expect step-by-step. This information has been researched from many sources and our GERD Patient has not expeirenced the Nissen Fundoplication.
Who Will Perform The Operation
A surgeon or a Gastroenterologist
Where Performed
It will be performed in the hospital
General anesthia will be given by injection and/or inhaled, and an airtube will be placed in the windpipe
The Operation
  1. A small incision will be made below your belly button. A needle is put in the incision and they inflate the abdomen with carbon dioxide
  2. The operating table is titled so the gas will float up. The laprascope is used to examine the abdomen. The laprascope along with tools (A small incision will be made for each tool....about 5) will be made to wrap the esophagus like a donut preventing acid to flow upwards.
  3. The laprascope is removed and the carbon dioxide is allowed to escape.
  4. Small sutures under the skin and an adhesive bandage are used to close the different incision the doctors have made.
  5. You will be sent to the recovery room where you will be able to see your family once again and the nurses will watch over you as the sedatives begin to wear off.
  6. You will be put in a room where you will be able to rest the rest of the night. In your room you may or will be given pain medicine
    through your IV to help reduce the pain in your stomach that you may feel. Those are the six simple steps it takes to have the surgical procedure done. Continue to read on where you will learn more about the Nissen Fundoplication
Hospital Stay
About two days will be the time in the hospital
You should recover in 24 hours and up and walking within 48 hours. Ask your doctor for your special diet needs. You will not be able to eat solid foods for awhile.

Final Words
GERD Online is on a search for people that have had this surgery done. We would like you to share this story becasue it seems our GERD Patient may have this done and he would like to know more! If you or someone you know has had this surgery then please contact us and tell us how we may contact you...We would like to feature your story on a page that will be added to the GERD Online website in the future. So please contact us right away!Now that you know about the Surgery you are ready to move on. Please click on any of the links to the left

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